ARTS 445: Special Topics in New Media: Performance
UIUC School of Art + Design
Fall 2022
1-3:40p Mondays + Wednesdays
Flagg Hall, Room 334

Deke Weaver
Office: A+D 117
Office Hours: By appointment
Performance Art is a crossroad of disciplines and their histories - theater, visual art, music, dance, literature, religion, design, architecture, sociology/archeology, technology, film/video, and sound. Embodied performance differs from traditional art practices in it’s examination of the intersection of time, image and presence. This class will begin to introduce performance as a time-based medium. Issues of collaboration and audience will be examined in historic and contemporary examples of ritual, theater, and performance art. The class depends on providing and receiving thoughtful feedback on the developing work and 100% participation. The core of the semester will be devoted to generating and structuring raw material and performing the work for an audience.
Our goal will be to attend equally to the formal, contextual, and technical aspects of each subject we address. Work will consist of:
• in-class studio: short + long-term exercises/projects
• out-of-class projects: short + long-term projects/presentations completed alone and in groups
• public performance: the class will create, produce and present a full evening of performance at the end of the semester
• discussion and critique
• viewing of works in various media, in and out of class
• reading of relevant theories, histories
• research of relevant artists, artifacts for source materials and examples
Anyone who endangers themselves and/or others will receive a failing grade, and, if necessary, be reported to the proper authorities.
The following will be expected of you in this course:

1. WORK: Work hard. Work passionately. Work thoughtfully. It's pretty simple. If a project seems dull/stupid/boring/threatening at first blush - find a way to connect with it. Exploit the parameters and boundaries of the assigned performances to explore new (sometimes uncomfortable) territory. Often you will be asked to work with a partner or group on these projects; you will be expected to respect this arrangement by contributing equally and showing up for arranged meetings.

2. PATIENCE: Important to the success of this course is your willingness to adapt and problem-solve in the face of unexpected (even disastrous) snafus. You will be expected to demonstrate that you have done everything possible to achieve all projects. Creativity in the face of adversity (even, occasionally, at the expense of departing from stated project parameters) will help all of us in our attempts to explore this art form.

3. PARTICIPATION: There is a lot to cover in this class. Attendance is mandatory, and timeliness is important to our staying on schedule. You are expected to contribute to class discussions and critiques through your thoughtful and relevant questions, comments, challenges, suggestions. THERE WILL BE SOME CLASS MEETINGS OUTSIDE OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED TIMES AND PLACES. PARTICIPATION IN THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF THE FINAL PERFORMANCE (Friday and Saturday December 2 & 3) IS MANDATORY. If you can not participate on these dates, please do not take this class.
Since this course will focus on in-class projects, attendance and participation is mandatory. Promptness and participation are required. Failure to arrive on time to class and/or cited lack of participation will affect the student’s overall class participation grade. Student is responsible for content of any missed classes. VERY IMPORTANT - for every three sessions you miss, your grade will drop a full level (miss three, your grade could drop from A to B, B to C, etc). Absences will only be excused with a note from McKinley Health Services or a note from the Dean. No exceptions.

MOST IMPORTANTLY if you show up on time to every class meeting, get your work in when it is due, read and follow the instructions for the assignments, don't be afraid to ask questions, read the readings, check your ego at the door, throw yourself in, and say what you think in critiques - your grade will reflect your sincere effort.